Let’s talk

Goodbye old site

  I finally made it. Despite the old flash site was possibly a bit more imaginative, more interesting and custom made (through sleepless nights), I simply have no time anymore to maintain it. But given that I cannot live without a website, I finally decided to move on, and opt for a common, up-gradable, mobile friendly platform. For those of you (who?) you can still have a look at my old flash website in here: Flash website And what about this even older (and even more crazy) version? That being said, I guess my next update will be in 2015. ahahah


Countdown to thought

It's coming. The day in which I'll be able to stop, look back and then close my eyes thinking about what will come next. It's been four years, 48 months without a single moment for myself. 4 amazing, wonderful and yet terrible and difficult years. Time to stop and recap.



I have been spending the last two months onto this one.... http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/fox/prometheus/


Slower than still

Can you imagine me being any slower than I am in updating this website? I can't. Most of the links are still those that come as a default from the theme I decided to use and then customize. And posts... well let's not talk about that. Sooner or later I'll fix everything, but for now my spare time (what's left of it) is spread among trying to finish a picture (2 years old) writing a script and try to stay awake. The latter being something I'm not very successful at.


Welcome to my dead website

It finally happened. Adobe pulled the plug to the scripts made in old Flash MX, and my old website, done through sleepless nights of flash coding, is dead. As people wiser than me use to say: in difficulty lies change and possibility. Which means that I'll be starting from scratch, and will build a better, easier to update website. It won't have fancy glass moving around, but at least will be readable and, hopefully, won't be stuck in the past. The future though is still far away onto the horizon, and for now I don't have the time to work onto this. To summarize: see you soon, but not too soon.